Conda packagesΒΆ

glotzerlab-software provides conda formatted packages built with cluster-specific MPI and CUDA libraries. Use it to add MPI- and GPU-enabled builds of the following software packages to your conda-compatible environments on HPC resources:

  • hoomd

  • mpi4py


These packages are built for ABI compatibility with packages on the conda-forge channel. Ensure that you have no packages installed from the default channel before proceeding.


miniforge provides a conda-compatible environment pre-configured to install packages only from conda-forge. When you install miniforge with default options, replace:

  • {{ package-manager }} with mamba

  • {{ environment-path }} with $HOME/miniforge3


Do not install any MPI or GPU enabled packages from the conda-forge channel. The generic MPI and CUDA libraries provided by conda-forge will take precedence and prevent the cluster-specific libraries from operating correctly.