Expanse (SDSC)

Expanse is an HPC cluster at SDSC with GPU and CPU nodes. Apply for resources on Expanse through the ACCESS program.

For unknown reasons, singularity pull generates corrupt images when run on Expanse. You need to use another Linux system to pull the expanse or expanse-gpu image, then copy that image to Expanse.


The corrupt image causes /usr/<some_file>.so: file too short error messages when you attempt to use software in the container.

Download the image with support for Expanse’s CPU nodes:

$ singularity pull software.sif docker://glotzerlab/software:expanse

Then copy software.sif to /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/ on Expanse.

Or: download the image with support for Expanse’s GPU nodes:

$ singularity pull software.sif docker://glotzerlab/software:expanse-gpu

Then copy software.sif to /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/ on Expanse.


Use the correct image:

  • expanse on CPU nodes.

  • expanse-gpu on GPU nodes.

Use the following commands in your job scripts or interactively to execute software inside the container:


Replace command arguments with the command and arguments you wish to run. For example: python3 script.py.

Serial (or multithreaded) CPU jobs (shared partition):

module load cpu/0.15.4 singularitypro gcc/9.2.0 openmpi/4.1.1
singularity exec --bind /expanse /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/software.sif command arguments

Single GPU jobs (gpu-shared partition):

module load gpu/0.15.4 singularitypro openmpi/4.0.4-nocuda
singularity exec --nv --bind /expanse /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/software.sif command arguments

MPI parallel CPU jobs (compute partition, shared partition with more than 1 core):

module load cpu/0.15.4 singularitypro gcc/9.2.0 openmpi/4.1.1
mpirun singularity exec --bind /expanse /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/software.sif command arguments

MPI parallel GPU jobs (gpu partition, gpu-shared with more than 1 GPU):

module load gpu/0.15.4 singularitypro openmpi/4.0.4-nocuda
mpirun singularity exec --nv --bind /expanse /expanse/lustre/scratch/$USER/temp_project/software.sif command arguments


Use the correct module load line for the type of node your job will execute on.


mpirun will hang when launching jobs one more than one node in the gpu partition.


You must use mpirun to launch parallel jobs. srun is not compatible with the MPI library installed inside the container.